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I think it's sad that lying in a title is now accepted marketing practice.

Why do you think it's a lie?

There are 70,000 audiobooks in the catalog, and people can listen to them. If audio is generated on-demand in the background, it does not make them "not-audiobooks", and it does not make my post a lie. "If it looks like a duck..."

It's just a technical implementation detail. And I'm not hiding it; I'm describing it in the post

It makes them "not generated" which means the "generated" part is a lie. Generally I've found Ukrainian software developers to be dishonest, but now I'm wondering if it's a cultural difference in understanding of what words mean.

The title says you generated 70k audiobooks.

You didn't.

That's a lie.

Most people don't like to be lied to.

Aside from the lie about generating 70k audiobooks, it also gets so much free advertising because people think this is a hobby "crowd sourced" project when the author is just selling tech services and subscriptions.

It is a hobby project, it is crowd-sourced, and I am selling tech services (not subscriptions).

And I don't see any lie there.



This is a silly thing to quibble over. The author made it plain what they were doing in the post. The title is a a succinct way to describe what they’re doing.

Nah the author lied in the title to grab attention. That's different than being "succinct".

Exactly how I perceive it

'Tis the way of the world, unfortunately.

We can choose to collectively change the way of the world. And in this case the title is lying, the website seems to be lying regarding cached generation still being the same price, and I would flagg it as false advertising.

Come on, what's your problem, man?

I explained what I did in detail. I'm open in the comment section and explained my reasoning regarding the pricing. I've made practically no money off of this project so far.

There is an option to cache, but there is also an option to crowd-source, which makes the price for the first person smaller.

Moreover, if you try to buy an 'hour plan' for $15 and listen to any PG book, you will not be billed for the converted chunk, so the caching works as you'd expect.

Flagging feels so exteremely unfair.

You seem to understand english well enough that you know that the title, as stated, is a lie. It's simply not true regardless of whatever rationalizations you can come up with. You barely making money off it doesn't make it true. Users being able to buy a $15/month subscription to listen to 10 hours of audio doesn't make it true.

1. There are 70,000 audiobooks in the catalog, and people can listen to them. If audio is generated on-demand in the background, it does not make them "not-audiobooks", and it does not make my post a lie.

It's just a technical implementation detail. And I'm not hiding it; I'm describing it in the post. I cannot describe the implementation detail in the short title.

It's just that you decided to believe that it's a lie, saying it very confidently, and taking down the post that was received generally very positively.

2. It's not a subscription, it's one-time purchase of hours.

It's not all on you. I can see that culturally in marketing this has become acceptable for many people. I just think it is unfair for people who want to be honest in their titles or thumbnails etc. But that's not really the standard. I was just complaining about something, not about you only.

I really didn't intend to be dishonest.

I just wrote a catchy title (which can be a bit misleading, but not dramatically, as all the audiobooks I'm mentioning are really accessible to people; I developed all the infrastructure needed for that), and tried to clarify everything in the post itself.

Oh come on be a little more generous. It’s hard getting buzz around an indie project.

How about "I imagined generating 70k audiobooks, and you can subscribe to my website for $50/month"?

You seem to be entirely focused on what the creator physically did and not what the user receives. They would not be available for users to listen to as audiobooks, if the creator only imagined generating the audiobooks

How about "just-in-time generation" of 70k audiobooks

It wouldn't fit into HN's characters limit

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