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The flag register layout is another case of extreme backwards compatibility - its lower bits have the same definitions they had on the 8-bit 8080, even the same fixed values:

Sign : Zero : always '0' : AuxCarry : always '0' : Parity : always '1' : Carry

(the parity flag came all the way from the 8008 / Datapoint 2200[1], and is the inverted XOR of the result's lower 8 bits; aux carry is the carry out of bit 3, used for BCD arithmetic)

Flag bit 15 has also stayed reserved, except at one time it was used by the NEC Vxx chips for their 8080 compatibility mode. That feature had to be first unlocked by executing a special instruction, because there is code out there that loads the entire (16 bit) flag register with 0000 or FFFF. With the mode bit unlocked, that would inadvertently switch the CPU to running a completely different set of opcodes!

[1] https://www.righto.com/2023/08/datapoint-to-8086.html

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