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Its normal double standards. The same happens with non west Europe food items and detergents that are sold in the central or eastern Europe. The sold on non western market have more diluted product or contain more sugar or artificial ingredients.

With general consumer goods this is often done because prices in central and eastern Europe are often lower (to match the lower income in those countries). It makes to do sense as long as the price is lower, though it boils my blood that these companies will give no indication of the difference on the packaging or, in this case, in their SKU numbers.

The difference between UK pricing and Polish pricing (the lowest difference I could find that has a TBW stated) seems to be about 300zł, but other EU locations stating the 2400TBW number are more expensive than both of those.

They should've made v9p4t0bw-1200 and v9p4t0bw-2400 product lines. This is just disingenuous. Without a different model number, people buying in/importing from countries with the 2400TBW variants listed on Samsung's website now need to look out for scammers selling cheaper foreign products with exactly the same model number for the higher price.

The prices of a lot of consuemr products are actually the same than the western Europe and usually produced in Central or Eastern Europe so this should not be an issue.

I would say it's just because they are allowed to do so and EU open market kinda enforce that.

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