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Tracking down >1 people who all rejected you and proving they all rejected you because of a video is strictly more difficult than tracking down 1. In addition, a video being popular doesn’t have anything to do with the intent of the person who posted it.

I’m not an expert though. I only mean to say it would be difficult to prove, just like all libel cases are. I don’t think there’s anything inherent to a deepfake case that would make it an easy slam dunk for civil libel. I could be wrong though

> Tracking down >1 people who all rejected you and proving they all rejected you because of a video is strictly more difficult than tracking down 1.

If it affected millions of people or more then it's really easy to find examples.

> In addition, a video being popular doesn’t have anything to do with the intent of the person who posted it.

The impersonation already says a lot.

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