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How does it look on one hand to say that the EU cares about it's users data and wants the users to be able to choose who it is shared with, has clear guidelines related to it's storage and levy fines on companies who breach these terms and then turn around and come out with Chat Control V2?

Something does not compute. Either you are pro privacy and you act like it or you are not.

It kills me to hear that Europe is pro privacy, because it is not true. Not if you look under the veneer and start peeling back the layers.

These sorts of data breaches should be a wake up call for any state actors who are planning on collecting massive amounts of data on their citizens.

It should make them pause and say, you know maybe we should not just give away all our data to Russia or China if they manage to break in our system.

Maybe the best way to avoid such data breaches is to not store the data in the first place.

You're arguing with a lot of things that I didn't say. My comment was entirely about the GDPR.

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