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Running half the cores of an industrial Xeon or Zen under 100% load implies very serious cooling. I suspect that running them all at 100% load for hours is just infeasible without e.g. water cooling.

Nah, it will just clock down. Server CPUs are designed to support all cores at 100% utilization indefinitely.

Of course you can get different numbers if you invent a nonstandard definition of utilization.

Of course server CPUs can run all cores at 100% indefinitely, as long as the cooling can handle it.

With 300W to 400W TDP (Xeon Sapphire 9200) and two CPUs per typical 2U case, cooling is a real challenge, hence my mention of water cooling.

I disagree. Air cooling 1 KW per U is a commodity now. It's nothing special. (Whether your data center can handle it is another topic.)

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