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> but where i'm from, you would have a very comfortable life earning 5k every month, so his self-imposed 60k/yr salary doesn't seem unreasonable at all.

(Some) HN commentators seems weirdly out of touch when it comes to salary outside of IT-heavy cities in the US. The other day someone claimed $125k/year for an employee wasn't "big money" (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40927175), so I'd take any comments saying some salary is high/low with a box filled with sand.

To be fair that really isn't 'big money' in most of those cities, assuming big money has some connotation of significantly above average after tax and expenses disposable income in those areas, especially relative to your peers. I don't think it would be unfair to say that would be big money compared to many European workers in the same jobs though.

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