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You call out people being self absorbed for having different opinions, then proceed to generalize by giving Sweden as an example as if everyone in the world has the issues of Sweden's BankID. Have you considered that maybe Sweden is the outlier here, and not the norm, before calling others self absorbed? No, of course you haven't.

I don't say that everyone has it like me, just that this is how it can be, and you should keep it in mind before dismissing people who say that smartphones have become required.

I would expect the hackernews audience to have the capacity to differentiate an argument against generalisation from a generalisation itself.

>you should keep it in mind before dismissing people who say that smartphones have become required.

I never dismissed anyone, read my Original comment again. I asked the user devjab if smartphones are really a necessity for survival where he lives, as in if there's actually no way to do banking in person or use physical IDs in government offices, because I found that hard to believe from my experience of living in 3 different EU countries where physical acces for non smartphone users was always available and smartphone ID apps were only optional for those who want extra convenience of not going in person to offices. If

If you can't differentiate between a question and a dismissal and feel the need immediately jump to accusations and victimizations, then I'm gonna have to stop the conversation here.

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