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It was Windows Phone, not Windows Mobile. Windows Mobile long worked on resistive touchscreens and had a piece of the cake there. Apple iPhone (with Google Android following up) was innovative with regards to capacitive touchscreen. Which is much more user friendly when using the input device always with you: your fingertips, as opposed to a stylus. It also allowed for bigger interface and more appropriate font size, helping all those 40+ aged people.

Back then (Ballmer era) I still didn't trust Microsoft at all. Or: I trusted Google and Apple too much. I'd much rather have seen Sailfish succeed. Especially as I used the predecessors in '00s (Nokia N810, N900). N9 was a great direction but Elop and Ballmer killed it off. But sabotage, it is more a chicken egg problem of network effect. Cause, many devs tried.

I still believe Windows Phone had a clean UI with those limited default colors.

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