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> Battery life has gone down. When you consider that the battery capacity has gone up, you realise how much more power-hungry the S24 Ultra is.

I bought a Samsung S7 tablet, and first thing I did (as I always do on all my Androids) is to enable USB Debugging and adb install NoRootFirewall.apk. There were so many apps that wanted to 'phone home', and the battery would drain after 24-36h with almost no use.

After I uninstalled or disabled 'a lot' of its apps/bloatware, the battery is performing significantly better. When idling (lid closed, in my bookcase) the battery lasts for weeks. When reading, the battery lasts for days (I'm reading indoors so I use ReadEra and I keep the Brightness at 20-30%).

So I don't blame the battery, I blame the bloatware.

> NoRootFirewall

I found this on Google Play but apparently it was last updated in January 2020.

> NoRoot Firewall may not work on LTE because it NoRoot Firewall currently doesn't support IPv6.


Searching for this keyword I found another one called NetGuard on F-Droid. It supports IPv6 and looks like it's updated more frequently (or at least more recently).


Anyway, thank you for the tip to use firewall for improving battery life.

Isn't it exactly what they are saying?

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