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The wife is paid off and fine. The problem is the troublesome girlfriends.

When there’s lots of money and ego at stake, people live their lives differently. Divorce brings acrimony and risk. The guy wants to be a playboy to fulfill whatever need he has, and seems to fritter around and make unwise choices. The spouse gets the prestige and status of being attached to the VIP, and may have her own dalliances.

High level operating people with money or power can afford to live seemingly bizarre lives. They’re just people with the same issues as everybody else, but the cash or influence allows them to make different choices, and for men think with their dick when they aren’t doing business - it’s pretty common.

Most people voluntarily imprison themselves in conventional, middle-class values because they have been brainwashed.

Perhaps, but the consequences of failure are much more severe. People’s wiring for risk and pleasure drive most of that.

That said, relationships outside of marriage are not uncommon.

Yeah, it's absurd to think that someone who probably makes roughly half a billion per year in income off his investments alone, cares about half of his net worth walking out the door.

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