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Ego and hubris are not dissuaded by consequences.

That's what doesn't compute. The wisdom and care required to have and keep billions requires a certain pathological, insouciant public face or internal armor. Sure sexual thrills and "love" makes most people dumber, but a big boy billionaire baller ought to have a certain de rigeuer self-control to not catch the wrong sort of complications or perhaps they should've had a discreet open relationship arrangement a priori.

The thing is… having billions doesn’t actually make you that cool or desirable to women. Maybe it’s nice on paper — like having a cool car, but it’s a condiment. I think a lot of these tech billionaires want what they didn’t have when young and suddenly the facade of it appears in the form of gold diggers… they fall for these traps where they are weak. Eric Schmidt is not a so called “baller” like Leo DiCaprio or Christiano Ronaldo — most average women don’t actually want to sleep with him.

Are you going to lecture me about women, online Mr. Pickup artist?

> The wisdom and care required to have and keep billions requires…

I think this is where your logic breaks down. Many billionaires exist due to no more intelligence and ambition than the average person but to have the luck of being born in the right place and time. Many billionaires (Buffett and Gates to name two off the top of my head) have admitted that luck was the primary reason they are multi-billionaires rather than millionaires or lower.

Your "logic" is bullshit because luck doesn't exist. Capitalizing on timing, risk tolerance, excellent anticipatory judgment, self-control, and rich parents also help.

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