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>I simply cannot continue a conversation when you can't adhere to a basic reality where a sitting president attempted to overthrow your democracy, playing it down as a "farce narrative" while a mob inflamed by the person you want to vote in invaded the Capitol. It's too absurd you are trying to push this under the rug.

"Invading" Congress is artistic exaggeration, to say the least. The people who did go in by and large were peaceful. An actual invasion would be more akin to what we saw in Brazil's Congress in 2023 where significant damage was caused.

The after-the-fact repainting of history is among many reasons why I don't bother with "experts" and the like anymore.

>I'm originally Brazilian...

Doesn't change my point that discussing American politics requires an appropriate compass. The Democrats are the Left in the Left/Center/Right spectrum in America.

>You prefer a corrupt judge in the Supreme Court? Taking lavish bribes from friends? That's absolutely absurd, I really can't comprehend this level of acceptance,

You're going to have to cite some sources, but regardless I by far prefer Justices and judges who rule objectively rather than emotionally. Any judge who rules by emotion isn't doing their job properly; the ink in which laws are written do actually mean something.

>Your whole argument over egregious acts committed under the Trump administration ... is based on "who cares? Everyone else also does it"

Not so much "who cares?" as "Why are we singling out the Trump Administration?". I find it hard to believe corruption is wrong because it's Trump. Call every POTUS with corruption to account, otherwise I don't have time for such political bullshitting.

>I will repeat: you are being an infantile reactionary, the Overton window has not shifted to the Left, when white supremacist discourse is not publicly shocking anymore that is not a leftist shift,

I'm a 2nd generation Japanese-American, aka an Asian, aka a minority. If white supremacy was a real thing I would definitely know about it, but guess what? I see no such thing. If anything, white folks are by far among the most honorable and generous people I've come across in life.

Regardless, the narrative is that white people are evil and must be brought down to end white supremacy. Sincerely screw that racist notion, the Overton Window keeps on moving further left and I am left to vote for who I relate closer to which is the Right.

Also, don't you dare call me a person of color, or worse POC or BIPOC, like the Left often does. I'm an American and I have a heritage, not some stupid identification label.

>When calling people "vermins", even if illegally immigrating to a country, is normalised you are not on a Left-shift of the Overton window.

Illegal aliens are trying to get (and getting) the things that legal immigrants work their asses off over a span of years to get. What the hell is up with that? Anyone is welcome to come to this country, but they should do so legally through our front door like everyone else.

Incidentally, the people most hostile to illegal aliens are 1st generation legal immigrants. If you need to ask why that is the case, you really don't understand the situation.

>Once again, an infantile opinion "love me, or else..." without acknowledging the complexities of relationships between nations where friction is expected, disagreement is expected, and the mutual benefits of said relationships should prevail over infantile "I feel hurt" responses.

Relationships require a certain level of mutual respect and compromise. If we keep hearing the kind of sheer resentment as the kind I originally replied to, sooner or later we will go have our beer somewhere else.

You cannot seriously expect America to stick around forever despite incessant arguments that our defence budget is insane, that the US Dollar sucks, that our space launch vehicles are hostile, and so on. Every person, or in this case country, has their camel-back-breaking point.

>Good luck with the mess you are about to create


>it's not like you seem to care about others anyway.

We do care, but it's damn hard to care and keep caring about someone who does nothing but complain about us.

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