I listed the largest positions accounting for majority of $ invested and majority of portfolio.
I definitely have other bets which did NOT work out; FSLY -90.58%, ZIZTF -76.81%. These were smaller bets, I'm still bag holding hoping Nightingale turns it 'round @ FSLY.
I recently exited AAPL in May, which turned out to be a poor move.
I'm definitely NOT great at picking stocks and I probably do overestimate my ability. Look at my horrible FSLY pandemic trade.
Taking direct control and responsibility has been a good learning and overall financially rewarding experience for me.
One downside of rolling it into an IRA is that you'll pay more in taxes to do backdoor roth IRA conversions every year. I think it's better to leave it in 401k if the fund options / fees are acceptable.
have not regretted decision to take direct control