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Imagine, one time, some writer, writing a short story of laying in bed with their sleeping spouse on a peaceful summer night, wrote wistfully of how they loved that their spouse's hair smelled faintly of citrus at that moment.

And a blogger stumbled upon this piece, and decided there was a widespread problem with people rubbing oranges on their heads, and, further, with the general problem of the author's entire nationality of people, and that this urgently needed to be exposed to the public, in a patient explanatory blog post.

Seeing this blog post, others, realizing that there's been a misunderstanding, but knowing more about that nation (and/or fruits, and/or hair care), than about PR damage control, proceeded to respond, with a flood of various corrections, all over the map.

For example, "I prefer fresh-squeezed lemon, so long as you're careful to avoid traumatic brain injury." And "Those people are not that bad; the many stories of kidnappings are often exaggerations of muggings." In all seriousness.

And anyone observing is thinking "I'm even more confused than before, but those people sure are defensive about whatever the heck ungodly things they're doing with fruits. It might be a nice place to visit, for a day trip, but I wouldn't want to live with those crazy fanatics."

I think if I cared about damage control I would have deleted the article a long time ago as so many people have clearly missed the point of the post.

Again I would never (and didn’t) draw an issue with an entire nationality of people squeezing oranges in their hair, particularly being an orange-squeezer myself. If anything, it would be better if almost everyone would be squeezing citrus in their hair every day, as we would more readily be able to point to the side effects associated with doing so without it seeming like an affront to one group of people.

True, this analogy is confusing, but it’s also great that you created it.

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