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I'm frustrated by someone reaching the conclusion that there can ever be a "best database". I spent several hours today writing a bash script that jammed CSV files into sqlite3 and ran some queries on them. Using postgres for this would have been insane, and I can imagine writing the exact opposite of this article if I had tried to do so: "It stores everything all over the place! There's no easily configurable in-memory storage option! All the docs and packages expect you to be running it as a service! Running my script takes an entire ansible playbook just to set things up! Why the hell is there a user table already? This thing uses hundreds of megs of memory at rest sometimes!"

Sqlite is not just for embedded data stores. However, it makes trade-offs to achieve ease of use and performance on certain workloads. If it tried to be postgres then it would be an inferior competitor; instead, it is an alternative that suits some use cases better and others worse. If you're trying to build a web app that can be deployed and backed up as two files, an executable and a db, then you'll probably want sqlite. If you're trying not to shoot yourself in the foot with "oh god why can't I do a full outer join and why are all the dates weird" then use postgres.

I imagine programmers would also find cockroachdb frustrating compared to postgres, if they didn't benefit from anything it offered and used it anyway.

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