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It was like that before chat bots. You always got some low-grade script-reading human support before being escalated to people who can fix things. The following actually happened to me in the early 1990s.

I had my own phone line installed in a house where I was renting a room (to be able to use a dialup modem freely). It had crosstalk on it, probably due to a ground fault. But try to explain that to the support person. "Sir, have you tried another phone jack?", that sort of thing. After mounting frustration, I finally found the password: "I can hear other people on my phone line!" That solved it. Click. Real tech person "Oh, so you have crosstalk on your line? Probably a ground fault. We'll send someone right out".

Frankly, an AI chatbot can follow the "script" that the initial support person followed, just as easily.

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