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Yeah I guess acknowledging well documented reality and keeping things in perspective makes me a Musk-apologist and cultist. Which echo chambers and lies would you recommend I consume to correct this?

I don't know what well documented reality you're talking about, you've made a bunch of unsourced claims wrt the Starlink thing which may or may not be correct, and you've chosen to close your eyes and ignore everything else you know people tend to bring up (even stuff I specifically brought up). There's nothing more for us to discuss. You even admitted yourself that there's nothing anyone could say to make you change your mind, so why are we still here?

We're still here because you seem to continue to misunderstand (assuming you're posting in good faith). "There's nothing you can say to convince me because you likely have nothing to say that is backed up by facts" is asking for something concrete that is a reason governments would view certain companies as too untrustworthy to work with. I specifically said that it doesn't matter if you like him, that's different from being so untrustworthy that their services shouldn't be used despite being the best option.

The only thing you've pointed to is an incident that obviously does not rise to the level of being a reason for a government to not work with a Musk-owned company. He responded to a guy who told him to shove his submarine up his ass by calling him a pedo, it was admittedly an incredibly dumb way to handle it, but obviously not a reason for a government to not work with him. The rest of what you've said is the usual thing where people make comments vaguely about an issue without ever saying anything specific so you can't be countered. Every thing I mentioned is backed up by articles:

The Starlink TOS mentions that it cannot be used in weaponry (ie drone control) because that brings it under ITAR export restrictions, which requires approval by the US government (and afaik the government has not authorized this): https://www.starlink.com/legal/documents/DOC-1041-35650-61

The report of the outages mentions itself that "The batch of terminals were also rotated out as concerns grew that service could be turned off, in order to minimize the impact, the source said." :https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/04/politics/spacex-ukraine-elon-...

The Crimea service activation correction: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/sep/12/elon-musk-biog...

The DoD commenting on the difficulty of ensuring Russia can't use Starlink: https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2024/05/defense-departmen...

That said, I'll stop here, I think I've said enough that other open minded people will be able to form a less biased opinion even if you refuse to engage in good faith.

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