Approximately half of gaming revenue is from PC customers. It wavers up and down depending on exactly what metric you want to use and when the last console refresh was.
You are correct on the complexity cost and how most people, even those with nice gaming computers, just don't want to deal with more complexity than needed. Even mandating a store app that works causes a significant hit to conversion rates. EA couldn't give away Dead Space a previously successful AAA title when bundled with their store.
You are thinking of pay to win games with microtransactions. Whereas this trash HAS come to the PC platform there is no reason to believe it represents any substantial portion of the revenue in PC gaming.
I suppose everyone is entitled to their opinion, but most people base it on something. You are free to do whatever you're doing, but I hope no one takes you seriously.
You are correct on the complexity cost and how most people, even those with nice gaming computers, just don't want to deal with more complexity than needed. Even mandating a store app that works causes a significant hit to conversion rates. EA couldn't give away Dead Space a previously successful AAA title when bundled with their store.