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>"Doing something" isn't a goal in itself.

Almost all space activity, with the exception of satellite launches, is useless. Let's say we build a Mars and Moon colony, then what? You do it, because you want it as a goal in itself. If you don't grasp that, you don't understand anything about space.

The same fundamental problem also applies to the idea of an economy that is 100% productive and that consumption is evil. If you get rid of consumers, you can also get rid of the producers. You can get rid of the economy. No human existence can be justified under the guise of "productivity" unless that productivity leads up to some consumptive activity.

"If you don't grasp that, you don't understand anything about space."

That's quite a self-confident, if not arrogant, take, which also misinterpretes my words.

Ariane 6 is a launcher, not a Moon base. Launchers should strive to be economical, because there is a real orbital economy, as you admit, and because the entities which launch them may be cash-strapped.

You yourself wouldn't buy a car or a bicycle that would have to be discarded after the first trip.

Or if your point is that Ariane 6 is basically a white elephant project, well, that would be pretty damning.

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