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Arguably at most third place, since partly reusable New Glenn (Blue Origin) is already planned to launch in a few months, currently September. Though lower stage reuse might only happen later.

Ariane is apparently so obsolete that they are behind rockets that haven't even launched yet!

Ariane 6 isn't significantly ahead of New Glenn in terms of time. Probably a few months difference for date of first launch. Just as Vulcan launched a few months ahead of Ariane 6.

New Glenn is a ground up unproven design. Ariane 6 is an incremental improvement from a well proven and highly reliable rocket. Just because they’re both making their first flights doesn’t mean they’re comparable as commercial offerings.

The cost to build a satellite is high enough that most customers don’t want it to explode. Until New Glenn has a solid track record they’re not really comparable.

New Glenn still has to fly though

There is little doubt that it will do so in a few months. The main engines have already been tested successfully on Vulcan, a few months ago.

You’re not really reading what I wrote but ok.

I have read it, maybe you just didn't understand what I said.

What wisdom do you expect people to drive from something not having a property until it has that property?

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