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> written to harm Lisp users

Who cares what is the intent or not if all that remains is the effect at the end of the day.

How is that the effect? The maximum extent of damage, if any, is referencing an already-widely-referenced text. I'm not attacking anyone, or anything, aside from the concept of dependency avoidance.

Honestly, having a curse named after you makes you cool in my book, at least when you adopt the "no publicity is bad publicity" outlook. Especially when the core critique is that the curse is that the language is too powerful.

> [Wikipedia] Network effects are typically positive feedback systems, resulting in users deriving more and more value from a product as more users join the same network.

> [Your article] (Lisps) is essentially immune to the network effect.

You're making a strong inverse argument of "nobody got fired for using Java" against Lisp specifically.

Would that be “nobody got hired for using Lisp”? Because based on the number of Lisp job postings...

I don't necessarily disagree with you; merely pointing out that you simultaneously say that you aren't out to dig at Lisp and then reply by sarcastically digging at Lisp.

It’s more of a dark dig at the job market. Fewer users isn’t worse, but it is fewer users.

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