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This is focused on people whose job it is to write documentation, but I think it applies generally. A previous company I worked at moved away from Read The Docs to Confluence and it was terrible. This decision was resisted by much of engineering because we recognised that disconnecting documentation from code would make it worse, it did.

did it happen because nontechnical stakeholders did not want to read the code?

I've seen pressure to move to Confluence in a different setting because some non-technical users did not want to use git, and (thanks to big company bureaucracy) some of them did not have access to GitHub at all.

That said, GitHub has okay(ish) ways to edit files right from the web UI now, so having to use git should not be a complete blocker any more.

I'm one of the co-founders of Mintlify and we're building a developer-centric documentation platform. The content is written in MDX and all managed through GitHub. Lately we've been building a web UI in conjunction with a GitHub integration so that non-technical folks can contribute easily - I think it's the best of both worlds (but I'm also biased). I do think docs-as-code would be hard if not for these more user-friendly UIs. Although we frequently chat with companies who initially say that our Github/code-centric setup is a blocker and they end up onboarding anyway.

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