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> I've heard someone put it very succinctly: people like Andrew Tate are asking the right questions, but giving abominable answers.

People like Andrew Tate are the only ones talking to men in those generations at all. As you said, we've left men behind in schooling which is a bad start in life. After that, we have a lot of programmes for women, both educational ("girls who code", etc.) to business things (women-owned businesses can get 3k eur to help them start in my country, many business-women awards, etc.), to healthcare (especially mental), economic (especially pensions, where up until recently men had to work more years and get lower pensions at same paychecks in my country... this has been fixed a bit recently, but men still live less on average but have to work the same years and get the same pensions even though they'll get them for less time). Also hollywood, where they replaced a lot of the traditional men roles with women (from superheroes to "fun nerds") while making men more and more incompetent (and that's not a new thing, just look at an average sitcom, especially from the 80s).... well, and lets not forget who has to die in wars, if the want to, or not.

So yeah... after all that, there are a few people who actually talk to those men (be it Tate, Milo, or whoever), and give them men-oriented advice (good, or bad), that doesn't revolve around women. ... no shit the kids will like the only fw people who talk to them.

A video version of this made in a fun way, but not far from truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQv8VuLpKN4

Women often eventually discover they want children and are on a tight timeline. Men do too, but they are not on the timeline. They can start families at virtually any time in their life.

By biasing work income towards men it gives women a larger selection of men to choose from to start families with while they are fertile. It also incents them to move sooner rather than work their own career longer to achieve their lifestyle goals, which conflicts with their fertility timeline.

It's sad seeing my older female friends reaching the end of their fertility and realizing they don't want to live lives without children and families, but being at a disadvantage in the relationship market because the men they consider to be at their level are seeking younger women.

"Woke-ism" is looking more and more like the inversion of reality. It is the denial of fundamental realities in the service of highly questionable ideals.

In fact the ideals of "woke-ism" are so questionable that it only survives because they aren't allowed to be questioned.

They are questioned (often in bad faith) in almost literally every thread in here. Also reddit is full of this.

Being woke means being aware of prejudice, etc. What ideals are questionable to you and can you provide an overview as to why?

Also, please don't consider this an attack on you specifically, but I'm tired of seeing "I want to say something but I will only insinuate very vaguely and mention how this topic is censored". You can find real discussion of pretty much every social issue on here, nobody will "cancel" you.

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