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That does not match my experience, even if I also believed that myth.

At one time I had to install Windows Enterprise IoT on several kinds of embedded computers, all of which had various quirks.

The computers worked fine in Linux, from the first attempt to boot it, without the need to do anything special, but a customer wanted to have Windows on those.

After installing Windows, there have been a lot of problems, for instance Windows was unbelievably slow, because the SSD's had a very low writing speed, but they could not be replaced with decent SSD's, because the embedded computers were certified for certain applications only with their original components.

Making Windows usable on those computers has required a week of tuning and finding various workarounds by searching the Windows Knowledge Base and various Internet Forums, where many Windows users had the same complaints as me, but few were able to provide good advice about how to solve the problems.

I have been astonished to discover that for every workaround I was not able to find any way to do it in any graphic interface of Windows, but all workarounds required to use in a Cmd window some obscure Microsoft command-line utilities with a lot of magic command-line options, which I did not understand and I could not find in the official Windows Knowledge Base, but which were suggested as solutions on various Internet forums and indeed they worked as desired.

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