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Russian space agency head says Moscow has proof America DID go to the moon (intellinews.com)
12 points by doener 74 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

JFHC: "A 2020 poll conducted by WCIOM revealed that less than a third of Russians believe that Americans reached the Moon."


Russia lies about everything

Russia has always been the answer to the moon hoaxes. (Also, you can see the retro reflection tags left there).

(could have been deposited robotically, by zond)

We don’t even have robots that can fold clothes /s

We have robots that can solve rubiks cubes in under a second.

We have the JWST which could be considered a robot, unfolding itself origamically, after having being nudged into a lagrange point somewhere 1.5megakilometers out.

Of course we went to the moon. If we hadn’t, Russia would have trumpeted it high and low.


I don't think people casually want links to guys dieing. on hacker news...

There are as many videos of Ukrainian soldiers dying in all kinds of ways. Watch them too and maybe you'll lose the appetite for this sort of videos.

There is something very indecent in gorging on them and thinking it's fun.

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