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It’s difficult to respond to someone who claims that “Sweden and Norway both have recently declined to expand their interconnects with Germany. They don't want their local markets to be swamped by cheap low-quality power during the summer,”

Elections carrying electricity do not have the quality of being “cheap” or “low quality”. If you’re convinced that there is some measurable difference between an electron produced by a hydro-power turbine and one from a coal plant, then I don’t think we have any basis for further discussion.

> Sweden and Norway both have recently declined to expand their interconnects with Germany.

Sorry. Just reporting the news: https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/swedish-government-s...

> Elections carrying electricity do not have the quality of being “cheap” or “low quality”.

They do. Because electrons, that are forced to move by the wind, cease moving when there's no wind. And this happens for weeks at a time in winter in Germany.

There's a fix for that: capacity markets. In essence, if you can guarantee that your source of electrons will always be available, you get paid for that. Europe has pledged to "do something" about that EU-wide by 2028.

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