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>I wonder, does the same right of self determination of nations apply to people wanting self determination in NATO-allied countries? To Ukraine? Or is there fine-print included in your concern?

I personally am for self determination, my country though is for respecting the UN laws and borders, Ruzzia is a GIANT hypocrite , when it is in their favor they want to split countries and grab lands like in Ukraine , when others want to split like Kosovo or Checnya then they apply the reverse and for some reason Kremlin and some Ruzzians are very invested in what Moldova is doing and they want to ensure that their self determination is exactly what Kremlin desires.

> Ruzzia is a GIANT hypocrite

Actually when Western countries began recognizing the independence of Kosovo (independently of the UN) they warned that it will open up a pandora's box that will come back to bite them. But once again no one listened and kept studying Kremlinology. When Russia said that color revolutions on their borders are a concern no one listened and Nuland dealt free baked cookies in Kiev to Maidan protesters. These, by the way, turned out to be most expensive cookies in the world for Ukraine. Which is an important lesson: do not trust the US when it gives away things for free, even baked cookies

The important lession is

Don ot be extremly stupid like Ukraine and trust Ruzzia, if they would have entered EU and NATO with Poland and Romania they would be safe and rich, but they were too stupid to think Ruzzians are their brothers. This is 100% facts and no independent country should give a shit about some retarded old man wishes of imperialism, what a joke of a nation and you joke of an individual, we the Eastern Europe should give a shit of who we elect or what alliances we enter so we do not upset that nazis future invasion plans.

You never explain why no slavic country is sending help to Ruzzia? Serbia sells weapons to Ukraine and Belarus is a dictatorship so expaln please ? why slavs hate Ruzzia?

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