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[flagged] High-Tech salaries in Israel take nosedive in April (ynetnews.com)
23 points by WWWMMMWWW 75 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

Silly article. March is when yearly bonuses are distributed, so every year they peak in March and nosedive in April.

>>> The average salary in this sector was ... ($8,634) in April, an 8% increase from last year but a decrease from the all-time high average ... ($9,685) recorded in March.

Tech salaries have always been bi- or even trimodal. Are we simply seeing a greater trend towards lower end salaries?

In the US you tend to have devs that are in the 75-150 range, the 150-250 range, and the 250+ range for total comp. Mostly these are completely different skillsets, but many companies don't hire in that first range. I am seeing that a lot of downward pressure in that first range, but I think we are also seeing tech cos realize you don't need a shiny degree and deep CS skills if you are doing CRUD.

A lot of companies and organizations hire in that first range, if you go outside of SV and the other "tech hubs"

you don't need a shiny degree to do the hard stuff, either. you don't know me but I'm a living breathing example of that.

Heroin or C++?

The measure is probably way too noisy to make a comparison month to month like that?

All models are wrong but some are useful

I wonder who this is useful for

Apparently an 8% YoY increase is a "nosedive". Go figure.

I wonder if it has anything at all to do with the war they're waging. And why an article specifically about Israeli tech wages?

> And why an article specifically about Israeli tech wages?

It is an Israeli news site, that is why they are writing specifically about things in Israel.

Did you read the article? The very first paragraph is about the average Israeli (non tech) wages.


The war is much older than October 7.


> A war has a beginning and an end and this one began on October 7th.

For that to be true, the pre-existing war between Israel and Palestine which started in 1948 would have to ended via some kind of peace settlement. When did that occur?

Even if, for some reason, one views there as being a war between Israel and Hamas separate from the Israel-Palestine war that has been going on since 1948, that separate war either starts with the beginning of the armed activities of the al-Qassam brigades against Israel in 1987 or, alternatively (viewing the Hamas-Israel conflict as a part of the single Israel-Palestine war until the Fatah/Hamas split and Battle of Gaza) in 2007.

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