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There is no crisis where markets don't supply handbags for less than $2k.

Similarly, Markets are not a monolith so this doesn't prove anything about markets in general. Economics is a broad science which works to establish a model of commerce, with varying degrees of accuracy and utility.

Profits are not an inherently bad thing or dirty word. It just means that surplus value was created by a transaction, and workers can profit too

Profit as intended means producer surplus. Economic theory predicts producer surplus reaching 0, while consumer surplus getting maximized. That is what competition does. It does tell everything about markets. This does not happen because of IP doctrines, which distorts competition. And advertising, which causes information asymmetries.

Highschool theory might predict that for the price of butter, but everything after that is more complicated.

I feel like you are setting up strawmen positions for economic theory, using more economics to refute them, and then claiming economics is bunk.

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