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When I was first time in Paris, me and friends were blown away by the sheer number of stations and good, rave-class, electronic music on the waves. We used to wander around the city with walkman's on. Sounds weird... good times.

Also, when I was a small kid, used to go to the furthest room in the house, close the door and lay down with small, pocket radio, catching foreign stations on LW. The further, the better.

Radio rocks. Great mash-up.

> lay down with small, pocket radio, catching foreign stations on LW.

You were probably listening to shortwave stations, not longwave. Most international broadcasting was done in the shortwave bands, typically in the range of 3 MHz (100 meter wavelength) to 30 MHz (10 meter wavelength).



You are right. Short waves, tiny move and you are on another station.

> when I was a small kid .. lay down with small, pocket radio, catching foreign stations on LW.

I’m long past being a kid and I still do this

That's cool... I would have a hard time finding a radio-set around, though. Few months ago I spent half of a night watching video streams from tokyo public transit stations, so I guess kid inside is doing fine.

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37829061 https://minitokyo3d.com/

France is amazing for nurturing artists, they make some of the coolest electronic around

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