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An Apple TV reboot could be a game-changer (cnn.com)
2 points by evo_9 on June 9, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

The issue with any of these devices has nothing to do with tech and everything to do with the entertainment industry. The sad reality of where we are at with content producers leaves the consumer hunting around between any number of sources to find the show / film they are looking for, only to find that often it isn't available in their region. Using a purpose-built media device only compounds the issue because the manufacturer may or may not have struck the necessary deals to provide access to the particular service that is offering the particular show that the consumer wants to watch.

For a consumer who wants to 'cut the cord' on cable, the best option is still a PC-based solution because you don't have to even worry about compatibility with Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, itunes, youtube or the dozens of networks who stream from their own video portals. Worst case, you have to pull something up in a web browser if the source isn't supported directly from your media center software of choice. With a closed box solution like Apple TV you are beholden to the contracts and relationship that Apple has with those services, which are subject to change.

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