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Show HN: We fixed entire consulting niche with our app (myporadaapp.com)
2 points by emigrantdd 73 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hey HN. A few years ago, we realized that every agency owner faced different challenges in building a business. I think it's because they started out as experts in something, with some specific skill set, but at the same time, they don't know much about other things like marketing or distribution etc.

So, we created a marketplace where mentors and consultants could help a business and earn money for their time. We also want to remove all "business gurus" with this app, which cannot be evaluated in any way before people buy them

Hey, I'm Dmytro. Why we build it? Cuz for us it was worked as a charm when we did this offline some times ago, problem there was that we was limited by our communication circle. Not sure would this worked the same for online platform like this. Any thoughts?

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