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Ray Kurzweil Still Says He Will Merge with A.I (nytimes.com)
10 points by mikece 78 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Weak article that exists only to inform that Kurzweil's new book is out. And what a terrible last sentence, but it does fit the NYT perfectly.

He will long dead before he merges with AI. Thou shall not fight mortality.

And I intend to merge with a six pack of beer and a steak later today.

Will Kim Jong Un do this?

What hubris. Every single human since the beginning of the universe has died. The greatest and noblest. Bach, Einstein, JFK. People who conquered the oceans, cured diseases or told stories that changed the lives of millions. Each one of them made room for the generation that came after. Just as those that came before had done for them. And this dude thinks he should exist forever. Narcissism on that scale would even make Trump blush.

> Each one of them made room for the generation that came after.

Ten of Bach's children died before him, and the quadrupling of the world population over the last century suggests that there was plenty of room left without JFK or Einstein dying.

Room for new ideas and values and ways to understand the world.

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