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Ask HN: What are your programming ergonomic hacks?
1 point by fardinahsan146 74 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
I usually place syntax commas in the begging of a line.

For example:

```sql select column1 ,column2 ,column2 from table ```


function( arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3 )


Some people have a strong reaction to this. But I think its strictly superior in that I can comment out a line without having to add or remove any commas on the line above.

This is quite obvious, but I do feel like I never put much thought into programming ergonomics. What are some similar "hacks" that you know or use?

I wouldn't call them "hacks", but some style choices that I have adopted for my personal code that I haven't seen often in other people's code:

1. (In C-style languages), indent labels by half the tab-size, using spaces. I find that indenting labels (jump labels, case labels, public/private/protected) makes them easier to distinguish as labels as opposed to something that delimits blocks, while at the same time I don't indent code under a label more than code not under a label.

  class Whatever {
    protected: // having the access modifier indented makes the class easier to read
      int i;

  struct SomethingElse {
      char c;  // same indentation as in the class above
2. Put complex logical expressions on multiple lines with the conjoining logical op first on the line, with internal indenting. By using the start of the line and using two dimensions, I think that it is faster for a human to parse top-down than otherwise. Example:

  if (   long-expression-with-boolean-result
      && (   second-long-expression-with-boolean-result
          || third-long-expression))

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