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My solution was to start over with a new "root" email address and then keep it private. Having unique email addresses for each service (which then forwards to the "root" email address) is a bit of a pain but it does work for spam and, depending on what else you share with the service, privacy as well.

For better or worse if you want to reliably control who you receive email from you need to control who knows your email addresses and have the ability to disable/filter them.

the same is true for SMS/call spam - my phone number is a single digit off from my wife's, she gets 6-10 total spam messages and calls a day, i get one a year. It's because she uses her cellphone number to sign up for fuel rewards and stuff, and they immediately sell it. I use my voip number to sign up for anything, and i have notifications shut off for SMS - and a phone tree for calls. Spam calls never get through a phone tree/IVR.

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