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Ask HN: Does IT still run on Java 8?
1 point by hiAndrewQuinn 79 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
I'm referring of course to the evergreen https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19877916 .

I'm also wondering out of concern for my career, both now and in the future. I like Java, and I think I want to dive deep into it over the next 5-10 years to provide a solid economic baseline for my family. I know the time I can dedicate to self-study, and even the speed at which I can absorb new concepts, will slowly diminish over that time, so I'd like to make a bet on something I'm somewhat confident will last, even if it doesn't get paid the most or look the shiniest to new generations of programmers. Other languages and ecosystems I've looked into for this purpose are PHP, Python, and good old fashioned C/C++.

Evergreen is algorithms, learning how to communicate to stakeholders, how to earn their trust, how to deliver projects, how to communicate issues to management, how to be a good coworker, how to debug, and how to approach a problem larger than you feel like you can handle.

That said, there's a career in knowing JavaScript, SQL, and any other language in the top 7 in the TIOBE. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/


Posting the link I mentioned as a comment here, to make it easily clickable.

its not clear whats the issue with java 8 in ur explanation.

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