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Impressively, the author predicts the rise of declarative programming:

> "The idea may be highlighted by comparing instructions ordinarily addressed to intelligent human beings with instructions ordinarily used with computers. The latter specify precisely the individual steps to take and the sequence in which to take them. The former present or imply something about incentive or motivation, and they supply a criterion by which the human executor of the instructions will know when he has accomplished his task. In short: instructions directed to computers specify courses; instructions-directed to human beings specify goals. ... It is clear that, working within the loose constraints of predetermined strategies, computers will in due course be able to devise and simplify their own procedures for achieving stated goals."

I was going to quip that "idea guys" can predict things in a useless way when having no idea how to make them a reality...but Licklider went on to have such impact on our field.

It's mindblowing he was central to the creation of Arpanet and multics and so many other critical foundational bricks of today's computing.

Impressively, the author predicts the man/men-ness of our industry.

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