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I have a guess to why H Pile i stead of I Pile: pronunciation. The initial I seems almost silent when saying I Pile. Whereas with H there’s a more distinct sound.

Isn't that the same with I-Beam as well?

I-Beam rolls of the tongue H-Beam doesnt, I guess thats the reason for adopting I term over H term

The context was the silent-ness of I vs H, not what rolls off the tongue. I agree that I Pyle rolls better, though.

Too close to Apple's trademarked iPile

My pet peeve along this line is O-ring. Is there any other conceivable shape for a ring?

Doesn't that refer to the cross-section? https://www.allorings.com/x-ring-seals

good call, thank you

They're just different profiles. I beam flanges taper more and are less wide than h piles or wide flange beams.

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