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I don't think this has much to do with Brexit, at least not directly.

The NHS surcharge predates Brexit and was over concerns of "medical tourism" by foreigners (ab)using the free NHS. If we assume this was a legitimate concern for the sake of the discussion, then there's a bunch of measures one can potentially take. Introducing an up-front surcharge is quite possibly the most idiotic measure you can take and just screams "fuck off foreigners we don't want you you fucking leech".

Why the hell should I pay £1,035 extra/year in addition to my taxes? Somehow your taxes are enough to pay for NHS but not mine? That just makes no sense. Having to pay five years up-front is just full-on idiocy on top of what was already idiotic.

Without a Brexit, all of this would still be the case for people from the Americas, Africa, Asia.

> The NHS surcharge predates Brexit and was over concerns of "medical tourism" by foreigners (ab)using the free NHS.

> If we assume this was a legitimate concern

It was not. It was actually a profit centre for the NHS as they can (and did) charge foreigners. Makes a good story though.

> then there's a bunch of measures one can potentially take

Force people to take private medical insurance, problem solved. I am utterly shocked the small state, pro free markets party didn't come up with this groundbreaking idea on their own.

>It was not. It was actually a profit centre for the NHS as they can (and did) charge foreigners. Makes a good story though.

"Migrants coming to work, study or join family members currently receive free NHS treatment in the same way as a permanent resident. The changes, part of the Immigration Act which became law last year, will ensure that migrants make a proper financial contribution to the cost of their NHS care."


> receive free NHS treatment in the same way as a permanent resident

and pay tax in the same way as a permanent resident

> will ensure that migrants make a proper financial contribution to the cost of their NHS care

They already made the exact same "financial contribution to the cost of their NHS care" as a non migrant, tax.

The National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 1989 https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1989/306/contents/made

It is more insane than £1,035/yr extra - they ask to upfront pay for 5 years. From the article:

> A researcher granted a five-year global talent visa and who has a partner and two children would be liable to pay £20,974 upfront, with no option to spread the payments.

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