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> general anxiety and frustration with other people

This is, I think, a critical point; I don't know if it's autism specific or general anxiety, but some people really remember any time they made a mistake, and will try and navigate around it - to the point of obnoxiousness.

Recent example, I was in a meeting, someone asked a question, I was the person to answer the question. However, they didn't stop after asking the question - they started to elaborate, with like "what if x" or "could it be y" etcetera. On the one side it felt like they were talking to themselves. But now I wonder if they were just anxious, because they once upon a time asked a question and were misinterpreted or ignored entirely.

Another thing I notice is that a lot of people will keep talking until they are interrupted. To the point where they start to reiterate their point, propose answers to the question they just asked, etc. I'm not sure where that's from, possibly exactly from being interrupted so often that it's become expected.

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