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U.S. dollar climbs to new 38-year peak vs. yen (asahi.com)
11 points by cyberlimerence 79 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I've read something by Michael Gayed that the Yen crisis could spark a credit event through the reverse carry trade, and that it could trigger a global margin call. Interesting times.

There's definitely money being made buying dollars now to sell them to the BOJ later. They "intervene" by buying yen with dollars. And they always eventually intervene. So why use your own money to buy these dollars? Borrow those dollars instead. What happens if they don't intervene or start seriously for reals this time start raising rates? Those borrowed dollars that are themselves borrowed from someone else that are borrowed from someone else that are.... Well you get the idea. That's the fear, but will it actually happen? Will politicians that line their pockets with all the interest from that borrowed money allow it? How long can this go on?

is this the real reason why toyota and lexus is in such short supply

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