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I think it describes detachment from the reality in the first place. Weavers as phenomena aren't nesessary detached (though they might be). Concluders might skip the part of figuring out foundations of weavers statements and conclude that those are detached.

Hesse's Castalia was detached, but that was explicitly by way of contrast with mid-XX fascism (whose most extreme proponents didn't even bother tracing out their paths as concluders, who at least attempt to motivate their conclusions, would). Compare Zweig, Schachnovelle (1942).

Interesting to see Mann's evolution towards (maybe even during the writing of) Der Zauberberg (1924)?

(good thing he wasn't the inspiration for Orwell's 2-minute hate; that guy would've had a much harder time backtracking)

I didn't read this as backtracking, more like saving a sidequest he was playing. Wiki said he interrupted DZ to write this so presumably he knew he had to split out the illiberal parts of his worldview somehow. (Moral hedging, with a side of market segmentation?)

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