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Curiously, I'm the opposite. I feel the cutesy companies and products in baby care space are just cringe at best, and scams exploiting emotionally-drained parents at worst; my instinct is to trust things that look like medical devices more. And I inherently distrust anything associated with furries. 0_o.

I've got some bad news about all the tech companies you interact with.

The 1998 Apple iMac. Suspicious as hell.

Snuggle fabric softener immediately springs to mind here

Yeah, my take is that companies with strong marketting efforts, particularly emotionally manipulative ones, are trying to compensate for something. That something is usually poor value products (which might be well made but overpriced.)

I think you're correct. I'm finding it difficult to think of a worse toilet paper brand or more annoying ads than Charmin.

That stuff is basically useless and no other brand has the issues they claim to solve in their ads. It's the kind of propaganda you'd expect from a cult.

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