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Yes, thanks for asking.

Continous Glucose Monitors (CGM). That used to be a diabetic-only problem until Abbott, Dexcom,and other vendors expanded their markets beyond diagnosed diabetics into pre-diabetes markets and exercise, health, and well-being applications like:




This has exploded beyond the hundred years of ketogenic research and as research on glycemic variability in mental health has grown.

My current kit includes an Apple Watch series 9 and an iPhone SE. Prior to that it was Google Pixel and a Fitbit Sense, though direct BTLE->Watch was not an option in that generation.

I have two complications: Abbott Freestyle Libre 3 and Dexcom G7. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM). The Dexcom is entirely proprietary. The Abbott is accomplished via a series of 3rd party hacks:


I'd say open source, but I'm not certain that every link in the chain is open source. I've run many generations of various open source tools on Android and iPhone since no vendor ships a complete end-to-end solution that is perfect.

Nightscout and watchdrip are two open source examples:



When G7 originally shipped last year, sensor data left the sensor and used the iPhone as a proxy-to-cloud storage, as has become the default mode across many IoT devices because it was easy, obvious, despite the unintended consequences of the design choices here.

At that point, because the data has already taken a long and perilous journey into cloud when BTLE->Watch was dramatically shorter, cheaper (in terms of hops and requirement for service), and arguably better. Hence, any data request pays that full routing price into and out of cloud, even the most trivial display, such as watch.

After a latent Dexcom BTLE->Apple Watch update a year later, I don't even need to carry my iPhone anymore, despite the fact that I don't have service beyond WiFi on my Apple Watch, since the data exchange is entirely BTLE.

The sad fact is that straightforward questions around a person's glycemia were not answerable directly without an entire belt-worn cloud ecosystem being paid for and fully functional 24x7x365.

BTLE->Apple Watch is by no means perfect, but it's dramatically better than my previous 5 years of 24x7x365 routing through cloud.


i'm kinda interested in doing that too. do you wear the CGM all day? what's your recommendation? looking to link to my Apple Watch as well if possible.

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