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> Both companies produce around 550 commercial units a year

Boeing has significantly lower production rates nowadays - due to supply chain issues and massive incompetence that led to a near crash. For the 737 Max, their highest selling model, they're capped at 38 by the FAA, below the 45 they did last year and well below their 57 target (all figures in per month).

Their only other jet in manufacturing is the 787 which has a healthy backlog.

The 777X is delayed for years and won't see any deliveries before 2026.

Also, they have union negotiations with two important unions that have been saving money for years for a strike coming up in the next few months. And they're in the midst of a CEO change after the previous CEO was ousted by airline customers. Oh and their credit rating is on its way to a downgrade, meaning it will become even more expensive for them to get the loans they need to fix themselves.

Boeing are not going to get any better any soon. It will take years of hard effort and lots of money, which means their stock will be in the gutter for years to come.

> which means their stock will be in the gutter for years to come

You're missing the point of my reply. The person was acting like accepting billions of dollars in $BA stock was an unconscionable thing. It's a highly liquid and relatively stable stock. Even if they have a 6-month lockup, the price won't likely materially change. Will Airbus continue to take market share from Boeing? Sure. But Boeing isn't going anywhere in any of our lifetimes.

And you're missing the bigger picture. Boeing are in a slump, and things will only get worse in the foreseeable future.

And the problem is that when the foreseeable future is over, it will be the 2030s and we'll probably have entirely new radical designs flying. Hydrogen propulsion, CFM Rise, blended wings, etc. etc. If Boeing are bleeding money and taking on expensive debt, how will they prepare for those times? If multiple of their designs are being years late, how will they have the engineering capacity to think of future designs?

Boeing the company is going nowhere. Boeing the commercial airplane maker is circling the drain in terms of how competitive they are. Their military and cargo jets, as long as the massive backlog, will keep them up for the next two decades easy. However if they can't improve themselves by next decade, they'll be forever behind.

Who the fuck are you arguing with? I’m not suggesting $BA is a good investment. I said it’s a totally fine vehicle to accept payment in because it’s relatively stable and easily converted to cash.

Do you find yourself doing this a lot? Forcing conversations into a direction where you can drop your fifteen minutes of research on a topic?

Nobody fucking cares dude.

> relatively stable

This is the part I'm arguing with, directly quoted from you. They're in for a bad decade of heavy and expensive debts, missing delivery targets, prolonged strikes. This does not make for a stable stock price.

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