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> If you're amending a commit surely the "change" has changed so the change ID should also change? If the "change" isn't tracking the actual changes then what could it be tracking?

The author is using newer terminology around "changes", but I prefer the older "revisions", as being less overloaded. But yes, the revision/change ID remains the same even if the commits underneath changes. `jj obslog` will show you the history of commits underlying a revision. This stability is what we want when rebasing, and git doesn't provide it.

> Making history manipulation easier seems like a bit of a recipe for disaster ...

I used to think this too, but it was really due to git and its CLI. Under jj, history manipulation is easy, consistent, and easily reversible with `jj undo`. Because it's safer and easier, I routinely do way more rebasing, and stacked PRs are much less painful to incorporate feedback on. Basically, it makes git's more advanced operations feel like everyday tools.

(Of course, jj doesn't fix the problem of rewriting history that's already been shared with other people, but even there, its notion of immutable commits tries to stop you from breaking other people's histories.)

> the "multiple branches" at a time thing they're selling can be done with git, IMO easily, using worktrees

Worktrees aren't quite the same thing the author is describing. Worktrees allow you to check out multiple branches at the same time to different directories, but they're still sort of separate.

The author is making the working revision a merge revision where every parent is a branch they want to work on. This allows them to see what the code will do when those branches are merged. They can also add revisions to all branches simultaneously by working on the merge rev, and using `jj squash` to choose which parent branch to push work to on the fly. When done for the day, `jj abandon` the merge commit. AFAICT, it's both lighter and more flexible than worktrees.

imo revision is worse.

I feel like the best terms are patch id and patch revision id.

I mean none of the options are great, imo.

- "commit" is overloaded with git, and jj still uses commits for other things under the hood. - "patch id" is overloaded with patch files, and jj still uses git's snapshots, not patches (unlike darcs/pijul, iiuc) - "patch revision id" isn't bad, but it's a bit wordy - "change id" just seems vague, since it's unclear where one change begins and another ends

"revision" at least captures the idea that you are revising the same piece of functionality, but then you might expect each snapshot/commit to be a different revision, and not have the same ID, which also isn't quite right.

I am sad I read this, because patch is perfect, but I doubt they will change the language again.

patch sounds too specific... like an actual patch file tied to the actual contents of the patch.

change is probably the right word, you want to change something, the exact operations of the change (multiple revisions of different patches) can evolve over time.

Maybe because I have never used an actual patch file, but patch just feels right to me. As an end user, a patch is an intentional delta blob resulting in some difference to the software. Writing software is just organizing those deltas. If I need to cherry pick between branches, pulling a patch from one to another feels more right than “changes” as a collective object.

Oh well, naming things is hard.

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