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The A.I. Boom Has an Unlikely Early Winner: Wonky Consultants (nytimes.com)
31 points by yarapavan 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

When there's a gold rush, sell shovels (and knowledge (or rather, "knowledge", knowing consultants these days)).

It was ever thus.

People thinking this was unlikely instead of literally who would "win" were seriously misinformed or were the very marks who were skinned.

Every tech trend has consultants on the forefront cashing in. Most of these companies have rebranded their existing strategic/digital transformation arms as AI transformation.

I wanted to offer free “machine learning” consultancy to jobs that are most endangered to be replaced/affected by it. Starting probably with translators and marketing writers - my prediction is that most will use machine learning tools to speed up their work and those who fail to adopt them will be pushed out long-term. I still feel there will be a human in the loop for a long time, just accelerated with these tools.

If it's free...then it must be worthless.

Fair enough, but since I’m still starting out and unsure about the value of it, it would t feel right to charge at this point. If it proves to be valuable of course I’d charge otherwise it wouldn’t be sustainable

I'd imagine most translators would first start with a google translate and iterate from there anyway. I know I would if it was text.

Exactly but IMO you get better results with LLMs

When I was still doing translations I often had to correct some 'translation' done by a jr that was clearly just passed through google translate. It was horrible and a big reason I left.

That was several years ago. I have used gpt4 for translations and it works great. You can even ask for style tweaks and I barely need to change anything.

Yea I had a similar experience. I feel translator are mostly going to be employed for the harder translation jobs like creative writing or legal text in the near future

I hire a translator not for doing the actual translating, but more so for the validation and accountability. Unless I personally can speak a language, I can't verify the GPT or whatever actually translated it properly.

I honestly think translator is a dying profession. Reviewers will still be necessary, but LLMs are great at very nuanced translation. The whole structure is already there, it only has to map onto another language.

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