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Mozilla is an advertising company now (jwz.org)
20 points by dotcoma 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

From the comments, lol:


It's like the universe keeps throwing them softballs lately and they are determined to only use the bat to hit themselves in the crotch"

Can't they just focus on producing a great standards-based browser?

Reminds me of Blaise Pascal: 'All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.'

> Can't they just focus on producing a great standards-based browser?

Let’s imagine they do. Let’s imagine they start gaining on Chrome. What do you imagine would happen? One possibility is Google pulls out of their deal with Mozilla and Mozilla runs out of money in like 6 to 12 months. That’s the end of all browser competition.

Mozilla corp. tries to diversify its income sources. I understand why it’s being criticised, most of their attempts look like lack of focus and not many of them are awefully successful.

But also consider that if all active Firefox users donated like $3/y to Mozilla it would cover Google’s $450m/y. Users would become the primary source of income for Mozilla and then Mozilla would listen more to users rather than try balancing what users want (to maintain user base) and what Google and other businesses want (to maintain revenue stream). So your contrubion of only complains on the internet and exactly $0 is what makes Mozilla buy ad companies.

This makes no sense, google fund Mozilla to claim there is competition in the browser 'market'. Cutting them off would undermine that goal.

I'm sure Mozilla entering the ad market and taking ad business is hardly better than gaining market share as far as google is concerned, and hardly better for users.

I do agree with their VPN offering. It's not the best, but it fits Mozilla's privacy messaging/focus, and the understanding is that you are potentially helping fund the browser. Unfortunately it seems you also fund these other 'initiatives'.

... https://archive.today/6Un3E ...

(In case you're seeing a redirect to a genital-in-a-cup, yet still wish to read TFA.)

admittedly, a pretty funny redirect

Can't say we don't deserve it, after Gary Tan's tempur-tantrum and Sam Altman's pivot from cryptocurrency to AI empire. The sycophants that lap up anything VCs say are in dire need of a rude awakening.

history's most accurate redirect

Dot com a bubble

12. Mozilla acquires Anonym to improve privacy in advertising (siliconrepublic.com) 3 points by dotcoma 38 minutes ago | hide | past | 1 comment

13. The Pet Project That Mozilla Acquired (adexchanger.com) 2 points by dotcoma 39 minutes ago | hide | past | discuss

14. Mozilla is an advertising company now (jwz.org) 15 points by dotcoma 42 minutes ago | hide | past | 2 comments

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