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An Accident in Space (1972) (newyorker.com)
24 points by samclemens 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

This URL has been blocked by the Italian authorities:

> Your browser is attempting to reach an Internet site containing child pornography images and videos. Inhibition of access to this site is provided by law 38/2006.

This Internet browsing protection service is prepared thanks to the collaboration between the "National Center for Combating Online Child Pornography" and the Italian Internet Service Providers.

Intentional display, dissemination, possession, disposal, production and marketing of this type of material is punishable by law as a crime.

That’s actually crazy. Any internet archive is bound to also contain less savory parts of it which could be removed on request. Such a blanket ban doesn’t do anything to solve the issue while simultaneously making people’s lives worse

If you like this style of story telling, I'd highly recommend the BBC Apollo 13 podcast https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p083wp70

A vast majority of the last names in this article are German. Seems like Project Paperclip all over again.

That was an exceptionally good read. Would also love a link to Part 2.

Anybody got a paywall-jumping link to Part 2? It's a bit of a cliffhanger even though we all know how the story ends.

The articles are serialized in his book, "Thirteen, the Apollo flight that failed". The book is available for checkout on archive


I hear they made a movie about it.

A really good movie.

A Netflix documentary about it is coming out in the fall

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